We support pupils in completing their homework by:
- sharing homework on Seesaw so that pupils and parents know what is expected, including tasks and details;
- providing access to IT facilities within school for those pupils who may not have such access at home, in order to ensure no pupil is disadvantaged by access;
- providing access to homework clubs where pupils can complete homework.
If you have any queries relating to homework or SeeSaw, please email the office and staff will direct your correspondence to the right person:
We celebrate pupils’ achievements in the following ways:
- by awarding achievement points on ClassCharts;
- by showcasing work with the class;
- through public acknowledgement in year group and whole school reward assemblies.
Pupils will receive feedback on homework through a number of different mechanisms. For example:
- some platforms, like Reading Plus, provide immediate on-screen feedback;
- through review and retrieval activities during lessons;
- through assessment activities;
- by reviewing vocabulary;
- through whole-class feedback and showcasing;
- by teacher assessment.
Pupils are encouraged to complete homework within the given time. We want to encourage pupils to do this as we believe it is important to encourage independence and good habits for future years. If pupils from Year 6 and below fail to complete a mandatory homework task, the class teacher will talk to the pupil about why this has happened. They will provide a time for this work to be completed, during the school day. If this continues, class teachers will communicate with parents and work collaboratively to review why homework is not being done.